Geek’s recipe No.1

Hello this is GEEK chef, I hope many people can see this posting.

Today, I’ll going to introduce what ths BLOG will make and shows some interesting geek special meals.

Yeah~!, let’s cook some strange and fun food for visitors



And don’t forget this posting can lead you guys into EPIC FAILURES.

Well, then let’s talk about first strange food that I ate from Philippine. The name of this food is balot

It was like an egg, a typical egg that we can usually find from grossary stores or inside of your refrigerator.

As many people knows, people can boil, bake, fry, or scramble eggs to cook, but this one wasn’t that much ordinary one as I thought before.

Do you know how long a chick hatch from a egg? And can you imagine why I talk about period of an egg’s hatch?

If you still not understand what am I talking about, please think about the reason that I talking about it.

Yees!!!!!! That boiled egg was a fertile egg, which means it would hatch after 3 weeks before it boiled.

Yeah~ I know it seem disgusting and it is totally disgusting to some people. (If you want to see it please google it)

However, do you know this? This food is national food in Philippine and many people enjoy it.

Do you think this is barbaric or uncivilized action? Well, this food doesn’t indicates the culture of Philippine is barbaric.

Philippine is developing country and they were in hunger for a while and some of them are still in trouble to eat something.

To them, buying meat allows to rich people and most of them are need some protein to live.

Now, I hope you people understand what is policy of this BLOG,

I’ll introduce some strange and fun foods to people, I hope you guys can enjoy it



Posted on February 16, 2015, in Would like some Spices?. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Very interesting choice of food, however, it’s not clear that balut is boiled duck embryo. The description leaves the reader slightly confused.


  2. Personally I wouldn’t want to try such a dish. However did you enjoy it? It certainly sounds interesting to say the least.


  3. I think you should’ve done the googling for us and include at least a picture or a google search results. That would make your post much more entertaining for the reader.


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